22 cu. Ft. 33-Inch Width Standard Depth French Door Refrigerator with Interior Dispense and PrintShield™ Finish
One of the appealing features of this 22 cubic foot refrigerator is a slide-away split shelf that allows the front of the shelf to retract to accommodate tall items. It also has the ExtendFresh™ Temperature Management System and Produce Preserver to help maintain the taste and texture of your freshest food.
Ensures ingredients remain fresh for maximum taste and texture using a sensor-controlled system with a variable-capacity compressor. There is one thermistor in the freezer and one thermistor in the refrigerator.
provides easy access to filtered water inside the refrigerator
Absorbs ethylene gas emitted by many fruits and vegetables, causing them to over ripen. By removing ethylene, the produce preserver helps extend freshness.
Lets you properly store everything from meats to produce with a manual temperature setting. It gives you total control over of the amount of cool air that enters the drawer.
Provide a dedicated storage option with adjustable humidity levels to keep fresh food in an optimal environment.